Lets Be Friends


Surround yourself with people who see your value and remind you of it


According to dictionary.com,
an inner circle is a small, intimate, and often influential group of people.

Want to Be Friends?


While the entrepreneurial journey can be exhilarating, it can also be demanding and isolating at times. Amidst the challenges and triumphs, having a circle of trusted friends becomes a vital source of support, guidance, and inspiration. Close friends provide a safe space where you can freely express your thoughts, share concerns, and seek advice without judgment. These friends become a sounding board for ideas, offering valuable perspectives and constructive feedback. Moreover, they offer a shoulder to lean on during difficult times, providing emotional solace and reminding you that you are not alone in your struggles.

Making friends as an adult can often prove to be a challenging endeavor. Unlike childhood or school years, where friendships often form organically through shared experiences and proximity, adulthood presents unique obstacles to cultivating meaningful connections. Adult life tends to be consumed by various responsibilities, such as career demands, family obligations, and personal pursuits, leaving limited time and energy for socializing. Trust and vulnerability, fundamental aspects of forging meaningful connections, become more guarded as we grow older, creating barriers to building new friendships. Additionally, as we grow older, our social circles naturally shrink, with people dispersing geographically or transitioning into different life stages.

While the path to adult friendships may be arduous, the rewards of genuine connections and meaningful companionship are worth the effort, providing a sense of belonging, support, and shared experiences that enrich our lives in profound ways.

While the challenges of making friends as an adult are undeniable, it is important to recognize the value and significance of nurturing authentic connections, as these friendships can bring immense joy, support, and companionship to our lives. Despite these difficulties, making friends as an adult is not impossible. It requires active effort, stepping out of comfort zones, and seeking opportunities for connection

My inner circle represents an exclusive and cherished group of individuals who are graciously welcomed virtually into the sanctity of my home and life. In this intimate setting, you'll witness rawness, vulnerability, and connection. You will see behind the curtain and that everyone has their own trials and challenges to overcome. Within the inner circle, you become part of an elite and intimate collective, where profound conversations unfold, leaving a lasting impact on your life and the lives of others within our small group.

Come as you are. There is no dress code or need for perfect lighting. You will witness me in my true element, captured on camera, clad in comfy yoga pants and cozy fuzzy sock. My children may pop in to say hello, offering glimpses into the joys of my personal life. As you step into the realm of being a trusted friend you will come to understand the significance and depth of this connection. While the path to adult friendships may be arduous, the rewards of genuine connections and meaningful companionship are worth the effort, providing a sense of belonging, support, and shared experiences that enrich our lives in profound ways.

Age, occupation, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, and political leanings are not prerequisites for entry. The only requirement is a commitment to respecting others within the inner circle. As a member, you will gain VIP access to exclusive events, insider knowledge before anyone else, and the privilege of attending celebratory gatherings that commemorate life's remarkable achievements. Moreover, you will receive my personal cell phone number, and on occasion, be surprised with heartfelt voice memos and gifts that reflect the depth of our connection. This is what it truly means to be part of my inner circle.

Does this pique your interest? If you are genuinely intrigued and desire friend-level access to extraordinary individuals and all the understanding, support and commitment that comes with friendship, kindly click the button below to answer a few questions. We will then arrange a video chat to determine if we are indeed a harmonious match.



Would you like to know if I will be hanging in your neighborhood or launching a FREE course?
How about being invited to the big celebration bash?

First person top view photo of female hands holding open craft paper envelope with white card on isolated wooden desk background with blank space

Request to Be Invited!


Become My Friend

Some people use their social media for business. Others use it to connect to those they care about. Still others use it as an outlet for their unhappiness in life by being a troll. I use social media to express who I am and to give you an insider peek into my life, feelings, and that which is important to me. I do not post all the time. I do not follow a strategy or a purpose. I have gone eight months without posting and then post three times a day. It is all based on what I feel like sharing with the world, and I would like to share it with you.

Below are my social media profiles. I take pride in answering my comment and my direct messages. I might not be able to get into a lengthy conversation with you, though I care enough to respond.

Please connect and follow me on the platforms that you like to use. I look forward to seeing you there! ❤️