When / Why You Should Hire a Coach / Consultant
Video Transcript
We're going to talk today about coaches and consultants. What the differences are, what you can hire them for, when you should hire them, and what you should look out for. First, what's the difference between a coach and consultant? A coach is usually within the person's development realm. That's when you see them the most because they're coaching you through something. Mindset, physical fitness, nutrition, health. Consultants usually bringing a big knowledge base which makes it odd because coaches do that as well. That's why there's this overlap and I really think it depends on what the individual wants to be called and what motivates you to call someone. In consulting it can be financial, marketing, operations, general business. I feel like I land more in the consulting realm because I am bringing a knowledge base and we consult about it. You ask me a question and we have a problem, you and I work together on it and we come up with a solution. There is people that are coaches, consultants that have a system and you go through their system. I honestly don't think that that should be called a coach or consultant. I think you're buying a program. This is something to kind of watch out for and I'm really attuned to that because there's been one time in my life that I've hired a coach and it was a growth coach and it was a system and it didn't work for me and I realized that just going through like a workbook or going through set stages and touching on stuff is just not conducive. It doesn't make a big difference. What makes a big difference is what people are dealing with at that moment. That was a great experience for me because it showed me how I did not want to consult and got me more in tune with how I did. I said I like consultant but I have clients who call me their coach and I get it because I do a lot of mindset coaching and getting people through stuff and the process because in businesses a big part of success vs. failure is the owner.
There's certain people that I work with and certain people I won't. If you ask to work with someone and they just blindly take you, red flag. You want your coach, and I'm going to use coach when I say coach I mean coach/consultant, you want your coach to be picky and the reason why is that they know who they are good working with and also they have a limited capacity and that shows that they want to dedicate time to you. I do not like, one so just blindly take. I really would have to ask the question what's your non-negotiables or what do I need to be at to work with you and if they say anyone, again, red flag. For me there's 3 non-negotiables. Two of them I think you should take as a non-negotiable no matter who you work with. The third one is specific to me.
The first thing is you have to like them and they have like you. Why is it so important? You want them to like you because you want them to be invested in you. And if you're just a number or they don't like you they won't be that way. I love my clients. I get really good close relationships with my clients. I think about them when I wake up in the morning I wake up in the middle night thinking about them. I think of them when I take a shower. I know, odd. But I have been known to reach out of the shower, take a note, and go back. because I love my clients and I'm constantly wanting the best for them. and you want someone that's going to do that for you. You want to like a person in exchange for the big reason that rapport is so important. If you don't like your coach you're not going to listen to them and when they push you against your wall or push you against your ceiling you're going to push back and that does not work. You have to like your coach enough that you listen to them and know that they've got your best interests at heart.
The second nonnegotiable is you have to be open and honest. If you're not willing to be open and honest with your coach then it's not going to work either. They need to know everything that's going on and everything that's pulling on you to be able to fully give you a solution to your problem. For example if you don't tell someone that you eat donuts at 2AM in the morning and they're trying to health coach you they can't do it. You want to give the right inputs for them to be able to give you the right outputs to really make the difference.
The third one is specific to me, and this is you have to be ready to rock and roll. I move fast as you can tell. I talk fast, I move fast, I do everything fast. I need someone who's ready to go. If someone's coming up against themselves, or they don't have time to dedicate to their business, I'm not a good fit - at that time. I've had a lot of clients who have come back around who I talked to for years who are finally ready to rock or finally went and did a little program and now they're ready for me. There are people with multiple coaches. I talked to a lady yesterday who has like four or five coaches. She's a coach herself and she has all these different coaches for different areas of her life, and I have clients who have coaches for different areas. If you have coaches, I do believe that your coaches need to know about each other and they have to have conversation or at least the open ability to do that because if something is affecting one area of your life, it's going to affect another. You're one person so these areas all flow together. Something interesting about me is that, I have never, besides that one coach already told you about, I don't have a coach. I've never had a coach and I've never had a consultant. When I'm sitting there and I hear people say your coach has to have a coach who has to have a coach, I'm like that's not me.
For a little bit I was like is this something that I need to be concerned about. But I looked at it. I have done so much personal development and professional development over the years. That has really filled my space for I need a coach because I've been able to push myself forward and push me into new areas and get knowledge from different coaches without being within their coaching program. I'm not saying I'm never going to do it because I can tell you At some point there's going to be a coach that I'm just like You're my person. But so far, I've been able to get myself through. I mapped this out a little bit to see how much I have invested in myself and my development. Seriously, don't tell my husband this, it blew my mind. I have spend about $500,000 on my development. What is that like half a million dollars on my development and I'm only in my late 30s. Giving to my end of my life I'm probably going to spend a million dollars on investing in myself. That brings me to another point. If you're looking to hire a coach and their price entry point is so low that's a red flag as well. And the reason why is because if their price is so low either means that they're really hunting for people to work with them which you don't want someone that's like that or they have never invested in themselves to have the tools to really help you. Every tool that a coach gets in their toolbelt is another thing that they can use to help you. When I do any type of personal development, or business development, or educational pieces, I'm getting another tool that I can pull into a situation. It's an investment in myself, an investment in my clients, an investment in my business. All that has to be paid through something. You see a lot of high-level coaches are paid more. Not just because of their high-level they've been around for a lot. A lot of times if you ask them they invest continuously in themselves.
So things that I've done— you know what, it doesn't really matter. I'm going to do a page on my website and list everything I've done cuz it's been everything from— you don't really care. Point being is that it's really important that your coach is really invested in themselves. That's a really good question to ask them. Do you have a coach and who's your coach and if they won't tell you who their coaches are that's another red flag, who's your coach and what are you investing in yourself or what have you invested in yourself because if you're going to invest in them, you want someone willing to invest in themselves. Which one do you pick to work with? I really think that we've gone over some some tangible items but I think the biggest one is your emotional. I think you know. I think you will see someone you like that's the person I want. There is something magical that happens when you say yes. When you enroll in a program you invest in yourself things start moving in a way you can never expect. I'll give a really simple example of this. I hired someone to come into my house and help me around the house and what I did is I said all the time that they are working on my house I have to work on my business.
One thing I would do is I would distract myself by working on my client stuff. This gave me dedicated time and putting the money on the line is really what moved it forward. A lot of times what I've seen is just people taking the action of enrolling in a program and saying I'm going to invest in this It does the thing that unsticks them from the wall where they now are in action around things that really mean a lot to them. I'm not seeing any business that has grown or any person who has grown without investing in themselves. Jim Rohn has a really good video that talks about how people get from this figure to this figure and how much money can you actually hold onto. If that interests you let me know and I will do a video on that or give a link because it's really fascinating but it's true. We are over 10 minutes so I'm going to jet, but that is really the basics of consultants and coaches and trust your gut, I'm just going to say that. When you are going to hire one really trust your gut and no matter what the label is no matter what they're working on if this is someone that you say I just feel like I've got them have them in my space find a way to make it happen.
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